SlySquid's Pawnshop v1.1

SlySquid 4763

Lots of pressure, credits and of stuff to PAWN... Plan to play a normal game and let the mills be an annoyance rather than a focus.

17 Aug 2014 CodeMarvelous

This deck stands in sharp contrast to the way I think of Noise, I really like it. How is it playtesting so far?

17 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior

I think i missed the D4v1d last time because i until rather recently i played Exile parasite recursion so just instantly saw no Fracter to parasite wrap around my bad their.

Id like to offer some useful tip or advice but i really can't think of any... looks good i like it.

17 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior

*I say parasite wrap around i mean deal with but am sure you get that, me English speak no good :)

17 Aug 2014 Myriad

You definitely have a solid economy. However I do worry about your click efficiency. I love Pawnshop and Armitage or Liberated, but with Crypsis as your sole breaker are you often finding yourself starved for clicks?

17 Aug 2014 Myriad

I know D4v1d is technically a breaker as well. But he has a limited shelf life. You get around that pretty well though with Clone Chip, which I really like.

17 Aug 2014 SlySquid

@Myriad I use both those cards as explosive economy. On turns I feel I have breathing room I spend most, if not all, clicks on them. A common play for Liberated Account is install click one, click three times for a net of 6, next turn pawn for 3.Thanks for the comments.

@CodeMarvelous Thanks a lot. Hope you have fun trying it.

@Pinkwarrior No worries, its new. Thanks for the love.

17 Aug 2014 CodeMarvelous

so after a few games i have notice that using 3 crypsis as the primary breaker has a problem with no tutors for medium ice.

17 Aug 2014 SlySquid

Explain a little bit more @CodeMarvelous

17 Aug 2014 x3r0h0ur

I think you might not be utilizing clone chip correctly if you're having issues with medium sized ice. Clone chip insta-recur or before your own turn starts is a fantastic way to deal with medium str ice. That's why I love the wyrm.

18 Aug 2014 SlySquid

I love Wyrm too @x3r0h0ur do you think it would be better than Crypsis? My last rig was 3 Knight, 3 Wyrm and Parasite recursion, which I loved! I'm just not sure if I can keep both D4v1d and Parasite going so I made the switch to Crypsis, it also has a nice mill effect built in... Thoughts?

18 Aug 2014 CodeMarvelous

what happened to me was in 2 games I was not able to find crypsis in the top 20 cards and in that instance waiting for parasite kills allowed NBN to fast advance win.

18 Aug 2014 SlySquid

I hear ya @CodeMarvelous, I've been on the bubble about adding Djinn but I'm not sure what to cut... But does that even fix the problem? I think I'd rather just keep spending the time drawing, rather than dead drawing a super inefficient card, that ad Duggar's is coming out next pack, so I feel like I'm just going to mess around with this right now...

18 Aug 2014 CodeMarvelous

duggers will certainly increase the pressure of this deck.

18 Aug 2014 x3r0h0ur

Honestly, no. You can't replace crypsis with just wyrm. I feel like you'd almost have to run special order to run wyrm, and then you'd have more breakers, changing the archetype. I think this is yet another deck that wants wyrm, but can't slot it :/

To solve the crypsis problem...yes it's slow, and yes it CAN be expensive, but -2 crypsis +2 djinn would solve that and help you set up pressure on demand. And you shouldn't ever need more than 1 crypsis, so you'd be eliminating dupes. You have enough recursion to get it back as needed too, I would go to 1 and tutor it as needed.

18 Aug 2014 SlySquid

Great idea @x3r0h0ur, it also helps with my hatred of dead draws...

18 Aug 2014 SlySquid

I feel like if I'm adding Djinn than I'd rather cut one Crypsis and one Medium and toss in two Djinn. It'll effectively add more copy's to draw early, like @CodeMarvelous Pointed out we needed and it turns my two copy's of Medium to three...

18 Aug 2014 SlySquid

What do you think about switching the Liberated Account's for Cyberfeeder's...?

19 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior

@SlySquid am not sure cyber for lib is a good idea tbh you'd have to have a cyber up for 11 turns before it actually starts paying out more than lib and that's some of your burst econ. I suppose it depense on how long you find your games running though.

19 Aug 2014 SlySquid

I think your right @Pinkwarrior with the current build, but now I'm thinking of switching Crypsis for Darwin and in that case I think it's better to use Cyberfeeder... Thoughts...?

19 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior

@SlySquid Yeah if your going to use Darwin then the Cybers make more sense as he'll eat up thos creds course it will slow you down alot.

The new current Scrubbed might help their as a virus wipe sets you to none. also mass subroutines become expensive e3's could be worth a look 2 but then that's more influence which is hard to justify.

19 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior

I think the main issue with a Darwin build is lotus field is gonna take four turns till you can get through from a wipe and i would think its going to be a popular ICE, crypsis although expensive can get through easly. You could look at running both mind.

22 Aug 2014 SlySquid

ive made 3.0 way better!