Lakshmi Smart Spammers

MFTimber 119

Hey, you there! Do you enjoy the slow, non-interactive gameplay enabled by Museum of History? Would you rather score agendas slowly than kill the runner slowly? Then have I got the deck for you!

The deck is centered around Lakshmi Smartfabrics. Besides a 1-of The Future is Now (which can grab Lakshmi), all of our agendas are 3x and we're spamming assets like there's no tomorrow. The goal is to play an agenda, Fast Track another copy to hand, and then pop Lakshmi and friends at the start of the runner's turn. This gives us a free score, but leaves another copy of that agenda in our hand. So ideally, you either Biotic Labor out the spare copy or Jackson it away. Be warned, playing this deck is a real slog.

The ICE suite is designed to be taxing, but with the potential to rush an agenda or two before the runner gets set up. Fortunately, this is what HB does best.

The economy is based around recurring assets with Museum, and I've found that I generally have too much money with not enough to spend it on. So some of those slots could potentially move around.

Tech cards:

  • Tech Startup - lets you find Lakshmi earlier, and helps pull out more assets to rez once you've got Smartfabrics running

  • Test Ground - lets you derez some stuff that's just sitting on board to fuel more Smartfabric

  • Hostile Infrastructure - protects our board from the Apocalypse

Cards I've tried that I didn't think were worth it:

  • Architect/Team Sponsorship - with museum running and Hostile Infrastructure up, runners generally won't trash things at a certain point. I found these cards to be overkill.

  • Ronald Five - Similarly, our friend Ronald just never had much impact. Trashing is already disincentivized, and the click tax wasn't generally relevant.

5 Aug 2016 runningman

Really? No ronald? I have HB asset spam deck and ronald is super useful. I find He is a big deterrent from having my cards trashed.

5 Aug 2016 runningman

Love the deck I will definitely give it a try. I have always tried to make LS work but never quite managed. you look like you have it down though.

5 Aug 2016 michaeln

Film Critic defeats Lakshmi Smartfabrics; should you have a Snatch and Grab or something similar to deal with that?

5 Aug 2016 MFTimber

@runningman I found that he was in a similar space to Hostile Infrastructure and Encryption Protocol, but the click was less important than damage or credits (and I didn't want too many card slots in trash deterrence). It's fun to play, but I haven't worked on the deck much lately because everyone in my local league hated playing against it!

@michaeln The bigger problem is them playing Film Critic the turn you try to score with Lakshmi. But Snatch would swing things back after losing one agenda. I'll probably swap 1/2 PAD for 1/2 Snatch and Grab.

5 Aug 2016 mawa

When I ran a Lakshmi deck I ran 3x Research Grant. Of course, I had Team Sponsorship so triggering multiple agenda scores was helpful and firing Lakshmi of of just itself was helpful.

You may wonder how I managed running 3 of all my agendas: simple. 59 card deck.

I'd also consider Shipment from MirrorMorph to make this deck move faster, as well as those Snatch and Grab.