Dumpster Diving

Trithne 9

19 Jun 2014 JetBlackJoe

Deep Red, Pawn and no other Caïssa programs? That just makes no sense at all.

19 Jun 2014 JetBlackJoe

Unless ... Oh, I see it now - very clever! The extra MU from Deep Red is cheap and big, and while only available for Caïssa programs still gives you lots of power tokens on Overmind. Pawn is essentially free cards draws once you get the recursion cycle up and running (and a free credit if you land on Scheherazade before hosting on ICE). Clever, but I'm not sure the last part is worth it - have you tried it in actual games?

Potential problems I see with the deck is early game economy, before you get the engine set up. Dirty Laundry could easily end up costing you more than you gain if all centrals are protected and you only have Overmind around. Perhaps add some more resource economy instead?

16 Jul 2014 middleclassjoe

I've built a deck with the same core engine that's had some success in my local meta vs some pretty good players and decks. It hasn't won a regional so I'll just say it's got real potential.