"Have you met Blackat?" - Stockholm Regionals 2015 Winner

Warpstoned 776

This deck went 6-1 in Regionals (35 players) this weekend, and together with an NEH Butcher Shop deck - earned me 3rd seed and the first place after champ play. I went undefeated through elimination rounds.

NEH Decklist: http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/22014/neh-butcher-shop-variant-v1-1-stockholm-regionals-2015-win

Wins: 2xHB:ETF, RP, 3xNEH
Losses: NEH
So, yellow cards were a thing. Luckily I had played a lot against and with NEH in addition to slotting 2xPlascretes, 3xScrubbers and some decent economy cards.

I have to say that this deck was kind of experimental, as I have always kept away from stealth breakers. I threw this deck together at lunch at work earlier the same week, tried it some 5-6 games before deciding I liked it. In any case I had a Nationals bye from last regionals so I felt I could afford to experiment.

I was thinking that my NEH would carry this deck, but it turned out to be the other way around. The only loss was on agenda point 7-6 and dodging that many possible horrible flatlines was kind of a personal achievment if nothing else.

Thoughts on blackkat over Lady/corroder were that Lady eats deckspace and that corroder would be to expensive against taxing barriers (eli/hive/NEXT Silver/Galahad) since I have no parasites to delete obnoxious ice. A big problem would be Curtain walls, but the meta has seen oddly low Blue Sun players, so that may be a meta call for a possible change.

Possible changes could be silencer for fractal generator. One less Scrubber for an utopia shard. I never installed a second scrubber as it felt too inefficient, but I was always happy to have one available early against many corps.

In general you power through your deck pretty quickly with visage, diesel and a 40 card deck. So it felt pretty consistent.

Lucky find was mainly as an midseasons econ boost, to get up to respectable levels quickly, as I felt that could be a problem otherwise.

As I said, this deck has not seen a lot of play yet, so improvements are sure to exist. Any suggestions/comments/criticism are welcome.


8 Jun 2015 prozz

very focused and minimal deck. seem powerful! congrats!

8 Jun 2015 Pinkwarrior

@Warpstoned I've never liked BlacKat it never seemed right efficient, I am happy to see someone made it work for them though congrats.

8 Jun 2015 Warpstoned

The deck is in no shape or form based around BlacKat. But it made for an interesting deck title :)

The install cost is a little on the steep side when facing simple wraparounds. But it made it back on double eli'd RnDs. And galahad/Silver for a stealth cred is also kinda nice.

9 Jun 2015 falseidol

For what its worth, multiple scrubbers get exponentially better if they are fueling a repeat R&D runs. If you felt flexible enough with the silencer to cut it, maybe trade it out for a medium and then really go to town on R&D?

9 Jun 2015 Warpstoned

@falseidol While I wholly agree that multiple scrubbers and medium is brutal on RnD, I am not convinced that a stealth rig is the right fit for that idea.

The first, and smaller reason, is that stealth is quite MU intensive, meaning you might wanna get additional MU.

Secondly, the recurring nature of the stealth credits means that it is often super cheap to get one run anywhere per turn, but multiples might deplete your ghost runners more quickly.

I think your reasoning is solid though, and that is one of the reasons Whizzard has been successful lately - going real deep with medium and having ice destruction to keep defenses light.

9 Jun 2015 AsteriskCGY

Ah that is an issue. I've been trying stealth anarch, but when everything stealth has to be imported that Medium gets harder to work with.

9 Jun 2015 falseidol

My thinking was that medium would supplement your light amount of multi access, with the general idea that you would indeed have to pitch it for a full rig, but would have more games that finish before you NEED 3x cloak.

But those are all good points.

9 Jun 2015 Lupus Yonderboi

Just tried it, this deck is a lot of fun to play.

Still, I will give it a try with some Daily Casts instead of Katie. May run out of credit sooner, but certainly quicker for set up.

9 Jun 2015 Warpstoned

@Lupus Yonderboi it would be quicker to set up for sure. Dont know if it would be a better or worse alternative. Possibly include a levy to cycle all the money cards? Maybe exchange laundry for casts?

I imagine glacier match ups would be harder at least, so it could be a meta call. Please let me know if you anything good falls out from testing :)

10 Jun 2015 Therad

I think one datasucker could be good in this deck, it would make blacKat cheaper atleast. Would also help against for example archer or crick.

10 Jun 2015 Warpstoned

@Therad A datasucker wouldn't be a bad idea. Especially for BlacKat breaking Elis. Probably take out a scrubber for the inf.

Though I have had no problems with crick/archer/other high str stuff. I often had 1-2 cloaks out and 1-2 ghost runners. So pumping the str twice is not that bad, since you often do not make repeated runs through crick/archers.

The rig often ends with 2-3 cloaks and lockpick and/or silencer coupled with ghost runners for safety. You will get through.

Datasuckers pair well with the dirty laundrys as well, for obvious reasons.

13 Jun 2015 Nerdfighter

How well does this deck do against Jinteki attrition and IG. It seems that is you lose a breaker from net damage you don't have enough recursion?

15 Jun 2015 Warpstoned

@Nerdfighter Net damage attrition is not very common around these parts, but I have faced IG once or twice. Pure PE attrition is of course unfavourable with a 40 card deck, no levy or deus ex. But vs IG its ok. Get out a Kati, 2 scrubbers and your breakers and you dont really need anything else.

With the lower amount of clonechips, just make sure to install your breakers when you draw them. Just do it.

In general, IG is very slow. You get your time setting up, which this deck likes.

15 Jun 2015 StarryVeck

I've tweaked slightly:

-1 Dirty Laundry, -1 Scrubber

+1 Clone Chip, +1 Express Delivery

Trouble I had with the deck (mainly due to a couple of 'bad' shuffles) was finding the SMCs/third breaker to complete the suite. The additional clone chip allows you to bring an SMC back if you need to, or simply not worry too much about losing a breaker. Express Delivery further speeds up finding the combo bits you need and I've not felt a need for the third Scrubber yet.

As someone else has suggested, I might try with Daily Casts instead of Kati. This deck didn't really want for economy so it feels appropriate to maybe trade the potential earnings for more clicks.