Jankteki Biojank - Est. Jankuary 2015

mrdudesir 638

This was published on request. I'll answer any questions about it.

24 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I don't know why Lockdown + The Brewery never occurred to me... that is just mean-spirited. This might be the deck in which Genetics Pavilion finds a home. Regardless, the runner isn't playing the game he thinks he's playing. Ruthless, beautiful work here.

24 Jun 2015 mrdudesir

Yeah, I brought this back from the dead because of Lockdown. It's just so good in the right deck. I'm still trying to figure out if quicksand is better than static breakers, though. It seems like Parasite fodder atm, and Wall of Static or Bastion might be a more robust option for most games.

24 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

You could go 1x Wall of Static, 1x Bastion, 1x Quicksand. 3x Quicksand is probably too much against any rig that runs fewer than 2-3 times a turn anyway.

I know it's not out yet, but any thoughts on Genetics Pavilion here? You'd probably have to go -3x False Lead +1x The Future Perfect +2x Genetics Pavilion or something.