This is quite possibly the most poorly designed card in the game so far, all because the words “The Corp may” are missing from the subroutine. Because it’s not optional, the corp will be forced to install at least 1 card from HQ each time it fires. The card seems to favour an asset spam style, and the last thing FFG should be encouraging is more asset spam.
It’s a piece of NEXT ice that you never want to play alongside other NEXT ice because it’s too risky (unless asset spam), completely negating the point of NEXT ice. It also appears to have no synergy with NEXT Design: Guarding the Net, which generally favours massing lots of ice over as few servers as possible. So, either the corp has to install cards in useless remote servers, trash stuff already installed to make space, or pay a big install cost if it’s a piece of ice.
But worst of all, the corp can lie by saying they don’t have anything in hand they can install, and the only way the runner can try to keep them honest is through access or expose effects. If it does see play in its current form, eventually someone at a tournament will be caught cheating, or be falsely accused of cheating, and NEXT Opal will have enabled that. It's unacceptable and unhealthy for the game and perversely its only saving grace is that it might be to poor to see play.