Vanilla Geist - Norwich SC Nov2016

Last updated


Vanilla Geist ...

Sports Hopper to prevent untimely death. Employee Strike / Decoy / Film Critic to turn off whatever other shenanigans the Corp has in mind.

Lots of card draw to get the engine started. Fairly standard breakers to turn all the you generate into accesses.

... aka Boring Geist

The Geist Engine

Once Geist reaches critical mass, he is not exactly easy to stop. No server is safe, Spy Camera means you know exactly when to run R&D, and Utopia Shard + Legwork will hit any agendas the Corp tries to hide in HQ. Clearing Account Siphon tags with double Decoy (+ Tech Trader) is just incredible.

That being said... if you run out of credits then the engine will stall. If you are all set up, and there are no better options, do not be afraid to spend a turn clicking for 4


vs EtF

EtF is a tough matchup. Left to their own devices, I find that EtF manages to score out the exact same turn you hit critical mass and establish an R&D lock. The puzzle then, is trying to find a way to disrupt the Corp without slowing down your setup.

You're looking for Mongoose and E-Strike in your opening hand. This might sound weird. E-Strike does phenomenal work in slowing EtF down (losing them 1 or 2 credits a turn). Mongoose enables you to face check click 1 with impunity (respect Fairchild 3.0) - forcing the Corp to spend credits rezzing ICE.

vs Palana

Palana pretends like it's EtF - but there are some subtle differences you need to be careful of, and some subtle differences you can take advantage of.

Unlike EtF, Mongoose is not enough to start face checking ICE (respect DNA Tracker) - but that's okay, because Palana has no Biotic, and fewer 3/2 agendas, so actually you are safe to sit back, set up, and let them hoard credits until they Install-Advance a 4/2 in their scoring remote. At this point, hopefull you've reached critical mass, and your perfect play is run R&D (wait for them to check their maths as they decide what to rez). Siphon HQ (more maths checking), clearing the tags with Decoy. Install PolOp to deal with Caprice - and, finally, inside job the remote. You won't have all the pieces to pull this exact turn off, but it's also unlikely that the Corp will have got their maths correct, and the 4/2 is probably yours.

You're looking for Temujin in your opening hand, to get some econ before everything becomes ICEd.

vs Blue Sun

You're looking for E-Strike in your opening hand. Enough said.

Alternatively, Temujin and a surprise Breach can do wonders against an oversight Curtain Wall...


Geist is pretty difficult to kill - as long as you remember to Levy before your deck gets too thin. I've switched out the 3 x Dirty Laundry for 3 x Spy Camera to give you slightly more options for setup without running - which is important because HHN must be respected.

You're looking for Temujin in your opening hand, to get you HHN / Midseasons protection credits.

Film Critic can help keep GFI safe from BN + EoI, until you find 2 x Decoy. It will also save you from midseasons. If you can't find the Decoys, popping Utopia Shard when the BN tags land can help save you from tag punishment.

vs CtM

Similar concerns about HHN / BN + EoI makes Temujin important in the early game, Film Critic / Decoy important in the mid.

You're looking for E-Strike + Temujin in your opening hand. The extra link provided by sports hoppers will also make a big difference in the long game (against the normal CtM ICE suite, sports hoppers can mostly be used instead of actual breakers).

CtM synergy with SanSan means they are more likely to be trying to score out than kill you, so you can be slightly more aggressive than the NEH / SYNC matchup - but if you are going to run then make sure that you end your turn on 8+. HHN must be respected.

vs IG

Pretty anti-thetical to the geist engine, you do not want to install anything unnecessary here. You will take net damage, so play econ and breakers and safety cards (sports hoppers and film critic) and nothing else. Only click to draw, none of the usual Off-Campus Fall Guy super draw. You have no Levy, so you are on a real time limit.

Use Temujin + E-Strike + Desperado to get the cash necessary to trash every asset that hits the table. Trash every asset that hits the table. You will hit traps. It will suck. You might die. If you are not dead, once the table is clear, land siphon (float the tags), utopia shard, legwork - all the HQ pressure you can muster to keep the corp poor and assetless.

If you can maintain this pressure without dying, you will win. Alternatively, you will die.

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