
locusshifter 1674

I've finally gotten around to trying some BS (well, that's what some call it at least ;) ). The results have been pretty amazing. I've been up against a couple types of shaper (Kate PvPP and CT big money) as well as Silhouette and Noise. So far, undefeated.

Card Choices:

  • Swordsman: It's a bit of OM protection, and eventually eater. Sure, someone will Parasite it away. Let them, that's what it's there for. I hope they have to dig to pull that off too. :)

  • Shock: Man, what started out as a joke becomes an MVP. I like the love taps of shock from R&D and HQ, but they are there to seed Archives. I like to pepper the archives with Shock and keep a couple of agendas in there. I'll even Jackson, giving people no reason to run there, yet I don't always shuffle the agendas in. It's wonderful to watch people wonder if I did or didn't, then sometimes have to bite the bullet and check archives and eat 3 net damage. This can often set up the PC flatline.

  • ELP: It's to keep the runs down and the draws down. ELP is a great card for slowing down a runner.

  • PGO: It's this or Taurus that will nuke your Plascrete, and probably those clone chips you'd have brought the Plascrete back with. I wish I didn't feel like I needed them, and Shattered Remains might be a better bait card, but this isn't trashable from HQ during multi-access.

  • Corporate War: Since I always have 7+ creds I like this better than Fracking since it doesn't hand out the BP or cost a click.

I tried and tried to figure out a way to get a Susanoo in, but at 4 influence it's just not worth what I would have to sacrifice.

As always, thanks for stopping in and I welcome all comments.