Bike Shop

falseidol 436

If there was a unifying card to this deck, it would be Scavenge. It's a card that I adore, and even when the deck-science suggests that taking 3 shouldn't be overboard, in practice I would almost always find it wasting away in my hand. This deck runs Cy-cy's, Atman, ad Femme, so there should generally be a program that benefits from being reset, even if you're not using scavenge to save a program or test run/scavenge.

Public Sympathy is a card I like to run with stimhacks, but you could totally go for more plascretes instead. Most of the hardware you want ticking down on personal workshop between programs, but sometimes you might want to play it straight from the grip.

you should be able to coast on cyber-cyphers with a femme or an atman well into mid game, where you might need to worry about getting your morningstar or another femme out. You only really need to play torch if there are a lot of code gates, otherwise 3 cyber-cyphers probably covers it.