Manipulation V2.0

CowboyTintin 216

I've been tinkering with this for the last few weeks, and so far I've worked it up to about a 75% success rate on Jinteki. (A scientifically accurate percentage, I might add... hm...)

The basic idea is to use the ID to play both a proactive game, as well as an aggressive one. You'll probably never have the runner's hand on the table for anything longer than a few moments, or even a turn, but those short glimpses can be enough to tell what kind of Andy you're going up against, or that this weird Kit deck's got Keyhole in it, or something like that...

Then Salem the linchpins to their deck's plans right out of their hands.

Then Museum of History/Jackson Salem back in and do it again.

It's all about slowing down the runner, costing them tempo they can't afford, especially since you (hopefully) know just how much you can push your own game... you do, after all, know what tricks they've got coming.

This deck's got multiple paths to a victory. If the runner dips too low you can do the good old 24/7 New Cycle-Breaking News- Scorch, Scorch. The combo comes up more often than you'd think...

There's also obviously the Astro-train. Puppet Master's in here mostly as food for Exchange of Information, but I ended up actually scoring it so often I put in the Ice Walls to make use of it whenever I occasionally can get it scored from my side of the table... It's amazing how quickly you can lock out a server by Puppet-Mastering and Ice Wall...

I'm still trying to decide how and if this deck could use Midseason Replacements... The synergy is obvious, but this deck isn't often completely flush with credits, so... If anyone gets it to work somehow, I'd love to know. Some program destruction might also be nice...

Anyway, with Manipulation it's basically all about subtly controlling the runner's actions, whether by knowledgeable Ice placement or sniping cards out from the runner's hand or draining them dry with taxing ice...

Either way, I've been winning far more games than I'm usually wont to, which means that this deck must be doing something right!
