We are Stronger Together

skyrunner36 96

So, this deck is probably the most consistent and effective I could squeeze out of ST. ST comes with its own slew of issues (mostly econ), and I wanted to see if I could make a decent deck out of it. Here it is!

The basic idea was to expand outward, then upward, and make everything as cheap as humanly possible. This deck is packed with assets, so install 'em like it's going out of style. Eve and BTW have high trash costs, so I have few qualms installing them naked. To get the most out of them, I stick a BBG on Eve, and save one for my scoring remote to keep the tempo hits low.

As for the scoring remote, I would have Aki installed w/ Ash, Caprice, and BBG all behind 2 large pieces of ice, while swapping between Adonis and any agenda. Between Aki and BTW, I can rez Heimdall 2.0 for free under ideal circumstances.


Howler: A nasty surprise that works well in Stronger Together. More often than not, I've been able to scare away a runner or two with a surprise Wotan/Janus/Heimdall 2.0. This ice alone has been able to buy me a turn to either score an agenda or take another precious 3 credits from Adonis.

Paywall Implementation: Like I said before, money is hard to come by in Stronger Together. Paywall does a LOT to help with that, especially with all the naked remotes the runner wants to check.

I might change agendas around, as the Gila's can be a bit excessive, and the Utopia Fragment doesn't do much in my favor, as it just redirects the runner's focus to centrals, which, for this deck, is bad.

Any criticism is welcome.