[Startup] Spicy Variety v1.3

Hammond 2

Let's play around with our actions! There's enough to do here that it should be possible to do use four clicks every turn except if you need to get an agenda scored or if you're desperate for a multi install turn.

There's a lot of clickable assets and places other than agendas to put your advancement tokens, then use Trick of Light to move them where you need. The traps are more there as safe advancement counter storage (with the flexibility of reversed accounts to drain the runner), but all the better if the runner faceplants into your Overwriter.

Subliminal Messaging is your friend here. Use as your "play an Operation" click then once you've fulfilled the MirrorMorph requirements and taken your 4th click, you'll get a bonus one to do whatever you want with!

The ice suite is pretty cheap and a bit porous so may need to put some stronger stuff in there if you're having issues.