Garfiend intent adjacent classic weyland rush

gammanet 91

went undefeated along side omar. nothing super special here but some games the bad pub does pile up and makes you sad but big deal won a ton of my games today. lots of paperclip around, not sure blockchain is worth. likely still worth in other metas as the one red resource doesnt like it. azef can be whatever you want. i just wanted another 3/2 instead of kimberlite field it was funny to watcha runner blind femme a eula. also boomerang on eula is funny. boomerang on border control is really common, usually you just etr to kill the boomerang(especially if theres a run event).

general first turn is ice hq and 2 operations(unless you have hostile. then you yolo that friend into the score area. quickly build a 2 ice scoring server preferably with border control. then IA(a) an atlas. once you have atlas witha counter usually you win. as original writeup said, dont be afraid to extract spin doc or even leftover remote ice once the runner is kinda setup.

i cant figure out how to get the derived from section to work but i stole this deck and changed it slightly