The Viper (Johannesburg Regional 1 loss)

tuism 310

The Viper coils up and build up its tools and can quite easily pounce when an opportunity presents itself, all the while transitioning into a full rig that makes pouncing even easier. This deck builds those key turns that turn one score into 4 clicks of snowballing goodness.


This Leela often just sits back, draws and econs up. By all means, run when there are openings, but even more so than other Leela decks, not letting the corp rez ICE serves both to make them think they're safer than they are, and often makes them stretch thinner than they could afford. And with a combination of a few cards, breaking into two-deep ICE is often trivial.


I love Test Runs in Criminal decks, which is a very rare sight. Femme + Inside Job makes getting into two-deep servers from an empty board a joke, and Test Run also double as recursion in case you screw up and lose your one-of breakers. Test Run for a Sneakdoor and getting 3 HQ accesses is also pretty powerful when the game starts to drag. Test Run also can be recurred with Same Old Thing for extra Femme or whatever goodness.

Other than that, 3x Special Orders and 3x Logos makes filling out your Breaker suite pretty trivial, and Logos can fetch your big clutch cards when the moment calls for it - what to fetch largely depends on the situation, of course: * Account Siphon when you're opening up HQ up and you need some money or need to deny some money. * R&D Interface (especially when it's the 2nd one you're fetching) is great if you open up R&D. Many games where won like this. * Legwork if you suspect them holding points, though if they just scored it's less likely. Good against FA. * Inside Job helps if you see an opening, or especially if R&D is defended and you have RDIs out. * A specific breaker if you're hunting for it


With 14 econ cards and 3 Siphons, there's no shortage of econ in this deck... But it still feels a bit light. I definitely miss Desperado, but the Logos tradeoff suits this strategy better. Sometimes the econ cards just don't come and you're forced to just click for creds. Don't be afraid to. Instead of drawing cards when you're at 2 credits, rather go to 6 credits before drawing. This deck can threaten from a low cred count, but get some bank before drawing.

The choice of Armitage over Security Testing was because the proliferation of Glaciers and RP mean that they're not often that useful, and I'd rather not get locked out and denied economy. Also getting Archives locked meant that surprise Sneakdoor isn't worth so much.

Strategic fun

Leela is super strategic and interesting, and a far cry from the brute-force of some of the more recent runner decks. This is probably not super refined (I built it pretty much on a whim before regionals, had tested a few others previous to this), and I do feel the econ could be better especially, but it was this rather than TWIY Yellow Flash deck that won most of the day for me.

Enjoy! Suggestions welcome :)