Dead count 13

cactusman 18

This deck is a combo deck to score 7 agenda points in one turn. Deck name means necessary credits are 13. Original deck designer is Ayabane.

Necessary credits are 13 or more, and necessary cards are the following.

  • Priority Requisition
  • Efficiency Committee
  • Project Vitruvius or Accelerated Beta Test
  • Shipment from MirrorMorph
  • 2x Biotic Labor
  • 2x Trick of Light
  • 3x Shipment from Kaguya
  • installed Ice Wall and 4 advanced.


  1. 2x Biotic Labor.
  2. Shipment from MirrorMorph, installed Priority Requisition, Efficiency Committee, Project Vitruvius or Accelerated Beta Test.
  3. 2 advance Efficiency Committee.
  4. Trick of Light, addvanc token from Ice Wall to Efficiency Committee.
  5. score Efficiency Committee.
  6. use Efficiency Committee ability, increase three clicks.
  7. 3x Shipment from Kaguya to Priority Requisition, Project Vitruvius or Accelerated Beta Test.
  8. score Project Vitruvius or Accelerated Beta Test.
  9. Trick of Light, addvanc token from Ice Wall to Priority Requisition.
  10. score Priority Requisition.

The alternative combo to the following threads: