Professor X

beyoken 6110

24 May 2014 Sandor

Hi bewnt i made some modification to your deck. i think now it runs better. Professor X

Event (18) 3x Diesel 3x Freelance Coding Contract 1x Levy AR Lab Access 1x Modded 3x Quality Time 3x Scavenge 1x Stimhack • 3x Test Run

Hardware (7) 3x Clone Chip 2x CyberSolutions Mem Chip 2x Plascrete Carapace Icebreaker (9) 1x Battering Ram 1x Corroder •• 1x Deus X 1x Faerie ••• 1x Femme Fatale • 1x Gordian Blade 1x Ninja •• 1x Torch 1x ZU.13 Key Master

Program (12) 1x Djinn •• 1x Imp ••• 2x Magnum Opus 1x Medium ••• 1x Nerve Agent •• 1x Net Shield 3x Self-modifying Code 1x Sneakdoor Beta ••• 1x Snitch ••

25 May 2014 beyoken

@Sandor Thanks for the modifications, I see you've made some interesting choices! I wonder,

  1. This deck has no way to cheat hardware on the board, aside from Modded. Don't you find it expensive to install CyberSolutions MemChip?

  2. Battering Ram is noticeably more effective than Corroder/Morningstar if the Corp decides to stack lots of high STR barriers on a server, which won't really happen in the current meta. Have you found it to be useful?

  3. You have a cheap-install early game decoder in Zu, and a late game powerhouse decoder with Torch. Do you really need the mid-range decoder, Gordian Blade?

  4. Without Dinosaurus, how do you see yourself repeatedly breaking high STR sentries? The only way I see is Faerie recursion, which explains the Levy AR Lab Access. If you've played this deck, I'd like to know how effective Faerie recursion is in Professor!

26 May 2014 Sandor

yes cyber mem chip are expensive but you need only one to make pressure to the corp with more programs on your rig

Actually i tried battering ram with few results.... best idea is to run corroder and morning star

you're totally right gordian blade can be removed to make room for Alias again which explain point 4

26 May 2014 Sandor

i hope you can post a new professor deck based on personal workshop and professional contacts. im curious to see what is your decklist.. :)

26 May 2014 beyoken

@Sandor I am not a fan of the Prof Contacts/Workshop version.

  1. You're spending valuable, precious clicks hosting programs that you might not end up using.
  2. If you don't see your Prof Contacts early on, you're screwed.
  3. Very very vulnerable to tagging.
  4. Less powerful economy than the Magnum Opus/Freelance Coding deck. Harder to get your programs out, harder to break ICE, and harder to dodge tags.

If I were to run a Workshop deck though, cards I would include would be - Kati Jones (you really need the money), - Aesop's (get rid of old programs for new arrivals on PW), - at least 3 Diesels (you REALLY want to see Prof Contacts), - and you won't need that much memory since there's no Opus (so you can drop the Memchips).

27 May 2014 Sandor

ok bewnt then i came to this version i really want to know what are your thoughts about this one: Event (13)

1x Dirty Laundry 3x Freelance Coding Contract 1x Levy AR Lab Access 3x Quality Time 2x Scavenge 2x Sure Gamble 1x Test Run

Hardware (8)

2x Akamatsu Mem Chip 3x Clone Chip 1x Dinosaurus 2x Plascrete Carapace

Icebreaker (10)

1x Corroder •• 1x Deus X 1x Faerie ••• 1x Femme Fatale • 1x Mimic • 1x Morning Star •••• 1x Ninja •• 1x Torch 1x Yog.0 • 1x ZU.13 Key Master

Program (14)

2x Datasucker •• 1x Djinn •• 1x Imp ••• 2x Magnum Opus 1x Medium ••• 1x Nerve Agent •• 1x Net Shield 1x Parasite •• 3x Self-modifying Code 1x Sneakdoor Beta •••

27 May 2014 beyoken

@Sandor The best way to find out how well your decks work... is to play them! Then you'll know what cards work and what don't. So take my comments with a pinch of salt, because I've never tried your deck first hand, only relying on my own experience:

  1. Where's Diesel?! Yes Quality Time draws 5 cards, but with only 3 out of 45 cards in your deck for card draw, you're looking at high inconsistency: you could potentially get stuck drawing cards manually for many turns, and Freelances just won't be as good.

  2. The event spread of 1x Dirty, 2x Scavenge, 1x Testrun, 2x Gamble seems very half-hearted. You want 3 copies of each, or none of you cannot afford the space. Look at the list of programs - can you shave some to make more room for events?

  3. Spending your 1 influence on Datasucker tells me your plan for most of your games is to get your Anarch breaker suite and Parasite out with the Datasucker. Would it be better to run some other ID instead then, that makes better use of the Datasucker? Realise that 3x Datasucker + 1x Parasite + Anarch breaker suite = only 9 influence.

With your decklist I see a very aggressive Professor that wants to play with Anarch tools. You want to get going very early, break into those servers by Turn 3 and racking up virus counters on Datasucker/Nerve Agent/Medium, snowballing out of control. With a loaded Datasucker you can blow up any ICE with a tutorable Parasite. I like the idea of going in the direction of credit denial, with tools such as Crescentus and False Echo. It doesn't sound like a strong deck, but is something to think about. Ask yourself: what is the direction of your deck? What programs will you usually play? Perhaps if you share these with me I could help you out more!