New Earth Hub

xclement 53

I've been a big fan of Spark for a long time and in the past I've played it (almost) competitive. With this deck I have made my best version so far. It's all about installing your stuff all the time, just as if you were New Earth Hub. This deck has the added bonus of taking money from the runner :D

One of the big problems with older versions of my Spark decks were the speed. Often it became a slow grind to the end hoping you had money enough for a SEA/Exchange combo for the win. CSR Campaign is the surprising hero I needed.

Tactics: Mulligan for two Advertisements, install them and Rez, no matter what! Have that runner start with 3 credits. Continue to install and Rez and make the runner lose money. With CSR you can do this whey more efficient than before. If played right you will make the runner lose more than 1 credit per round. You WILL win the the money race.

While you are installing you will be able to make a scoring remote so strong it can't be broken. Mainly because the runner is to low on money and hasn't installed their Rig. Score you agendas safely. You want to score everything but your Beale's since they don't give you any benefits. Playing this deck will make you realize that you can score out incredibly fast.

If for some reason you can't win early game you still have the ability to grind out the game and win late because of pure Econ denial.

Against crime with no ice in hand? No problem. Just install and Rez everything. Now crim can't steal your money.

Playing against Shaper (Shapers are bad) you will be able to cripple their Economy enough to score before they are able to do anything.

Anarch: Only Happy the Trasher (Freedom) is your real threat. You might be able to out install him and hopefully you can score an early AR-Enhanced Security.

Cards: AR: point number 7, but also really good to score early to make the trashing of your remote even less likely. Beale: 3/2 FA with a Remastered Edition token for the win. Or score 3 point in a strong glazier remote. Rebranding Team: Even more Econ denial. It is more potent than most people give it credits for. You will score one of these more often than you think. Remasted Edition: Scoring this will set you up for a sure win.

Advanced Assembly Lines: More money for you. Gives you even faster remote setups, and the first one in the deck makes Jeeves free to import. One of them could be a 3. Tour Guide sacrificing speed for strong scoring ice.

CSR Campaign: One of the absolutely bread and butter pieces. Makes you go fast and act like you were New Earth Hub while stealing money from the runner.

Jeeves: Makes you go faster and score a none advanced 4/2. Remasted Edition and Rebranding team are often scored this way.

Launch Campaign: Money for you but more importantly: Takes money from the runner. It's than you give it credit for.

Malia: Absolutely destroys Shaper in any shape or form. Pro Co first round is the best target. Daily Cast, Earth Rise Hotel, Liberated Account is perfect targets as well.

Marilyn: Money for you, less for the runner. And it recycles. OMG.

Mumba Temple: Helps you when you are low on money and when you install 10 Advertisements with Ad Blitz.

Pad Campaign: Same same

Tiered Subscription: Same same

Ad Blitz: Install all your cards for a second round. It is ok to just install 4 cards from archives but installing 12 is more fun. Can be use early and late. Either way your Tour Guide Remote suddenly becomes way stronger.

Preemptive action: Sometimes you just want some cards back. Or agendas out of Archives. Could be something else.

Endless EULA: Runner don't want to pay through that. Perfect for RnD protection.

Pop-up window: More money for you, less for the runner. Helps you win the money race and is a factor more often than you think.

Tollbooth: Perfect for Central protection against The Turning Wheel farming. Also strong on remote. Win win.

Hydra: Very often rezzed having the runner faceplant it. Then it's a strong expensive to break End The Run ice.

Tour Guide: So many End The Run Subs. Absolutely one of you best friends. Maybe have 3 and 1 less Advanced Assembly Lines.

26 Nov 2020 sasimirobot

good stuff!