Mac's Lucky Charms

Genevaman616 74

The purpose of the deck is to assemble a powerful rig capable of running on even the most well defended servers in as short a time as possible. The deck focuses heavily on card draw and tutoring and uses a variety of money cards and Mac's own ability to throw down some pricey but powerful cards like Torch and Toolbox.

The first priority of the deck is establishing long term economy so playing Magnum Opus on the first turn - or at least tutoring for it - is almost a must. From that point on it's simply a matter of assembling a set of breakers and wailing on the Corp until it folds. Maker's Eye should help to dig through RnD while Nerve Agent puts pressure on HQ.

8 Nov 2014 Softman25

You're calling the deck 'Lucky Charms' but don't have Leprechaun - Damn it man...