Titans of Industy

DataFran 42

Thoughts and feedback welcome. The idea here is to keep control of Government Takeover and get it scored. With a Mushin it only sits on the table for two full turns, and I've seen longer scoring windows.

9 Feb 2015 DarkMite2

Since you don't seen to be trying to Scorch / Flat line, would consider trading out 2x Snare! & 1x SanSan City Grid for 2x Trick of Light and 1x Jackson Howard?

9 Feb 2015 DarkMite2

Hold on! =) I just noticed that you haven't used all 17 influence. I'd go 3x Trick of Light and keep Jackson at 2x

9 Feb 2015 DataFran

Oh, hey, I could have sworn I had all 17 used... Maybe an earlier iteration. Huh! What would you cut for the ToLs and the extra Jackson?

9 Feb 2015 DataFran

I originally had Junebugs in there as well, the idea was to scare the runner and perhaps score the Government Takeover.

I'm thinking of using the Influence to buff the ice suite a bit.

10 Feb 2015 DarkMite2

I would still cut 2x Snare! & 1 SanSan City Grid to add 3x ToL. If you want to bluff traps, maybe drop 2x The Board and add something like Shattered Remains or Plan B. If you don't like that & really want a trap that costs influence, then Cerebral Overwriter is better for what you want to do at the same influence cost as Snare!. I have a couple other ideas, but let me know what you think. GL!