Hayley of the leaf village 🌿🌿🚬 (eclipse)

aksu 790

the deck. I brewed for the eclipse tournament. Tho I kinda lost fait in it on the last second.

So I am not a big shaper head. I think based on my talking online thats kinda evident. I still did have fan brewing this list becouse its something I have never built before.

Realistically the deck has absurd amounts of econ but you just kinda cant convert it into a win in a format where corps are way more unfair than the runner. A pile of money just wont win against MTI, ETF prison, IG or Drago prison (espesially when your deck is very resource based.)

couple the neat things the deck does:

  • scavenge was hype when you recur Cupellation against IG 6 times and just refuse to actually trash their cards (IG is op enough that this is not enough). Another hella cool trick is installing a orca on the London library for free and then scavenging it to get it installed for free :D.

  • Also London library lets you do the namesake activity of the deck and sit around burning leaf all day. (in game terms this means installing coalessance on London library for free. Taking all the credits off it and then putting it back into your hand. All while triggering Hayley install and technical writers. Basically a better magnum opus at worst.

So you just sit around getting value but I really think you somehow need more interaction to actually make the deck work. (give trickshot plez) :D

Tournament was def hella fun on commentary. GL everybody on the purge tournament.

3 Dec 2024 Council

Baking leaf at the library