Solidarity v0.9

dtelad11 964

11 Dec 2014 CJFM

@dtelad11 All of these changes seem good. Though it seems that you're doing much like I am and just shuffling around the numbers of the deck that's otherwise solid.

Not sure it can get much better with the flexi-suite, though I'd personally prefer 3x Ghost Runner and 2x Order of Sol because drawing an extra Order is worse than Drawing an extra Ghost Runner. You can win without Order, but sometimes you can't win without GR. I think this is all seasoning, though. It's up to your taste to some extent.

11 Dec 2014 dtelad11

Interesting point - I'm not sure I'll be happy with only two OoS (drawing one early-game is important). Wondering whether 2x or 3x GR is the way to go.

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