Ready? Fight! (2nd Place Store Champ)

vampire0 250

This Leela is based on ideas on ideas from Steve Klabnik's post on Leela. Reading that guide can basically tell you how to play this deck. My breaker suite is a little less robust than most of his builds though - I focused on money and event tricks largely, usually only making runs where the opponent could rez ice when I thought it was something I could easily deal with over the course of the game. I piloted it to a 2nd place finish of 21 at a Store Championship over the weekend.


This deck has a bit of everything - PPvP economy, Armitage, and even Account Siphon spam, and I did a bit of all three during the tournament. Early game this deck builds money, however it can get it and sets up its rig waiting for the opponent to make a mistake you can exploit, but thats hard to do if your economy is easy to read (Armitage Codebusting, Kati Jones) - PPvP lets you be bursty out of nowhere to score agendas, making it more likely your opponent makes a mistake. Building Kati Jones money is another way to force the Corp to make a mistake - they will get antsy once you get to 9-12 credits on her either just hold stuff for you to Legwork or will rush an agenda out of hand in fear, opening a hit on R&D or HQ. You also always need to be in a position to exploit advantages though, so burning some Sure Gambles early to get a money lead is strong, as its holding 1 back in hand to jump-start your economy when the Corp isn't expecting it.


Didn't get to use it during the day, but in practice rounds it can be brutal - at the right time you can combo a bounce + Kraken to leave the opponent with no choice but to trash something with an Oversight AI, or just use it on a double ice server to open a sudden whole in the corp's defenses.

Deja Vu

If something gets trashed and you get locked out, you can Logos for Deja Vu and patch the hole - since its an event, it works with Prepaids, and its more flexible than just running the 2nd Corroder.

Paper Tripping

I dropped a Crescentus for this after a friend saw me stuck with Kati Jones in hand and 6 tags to clear. It does good work - in two usages I dropped 14 tags during the day, whipping away build up from Account Siphon spam and letting me drop Kati for mid-late economy.


Since this deck uses a lot of influence on Keyhole, Indexing, and Lucky Find, I used in-faction breakers for Code Gates. Running 2x was definitely the minimum, and I burned through 7 tokens in a game, but I never actually ran out - I just didn't run on ice all that often. If I had had a problem, I could have brought one back out with Deja Vu for another 4 breaks.


A lot of the other tech is easy - Keyhole you pull if R&D is open, Indexing if you just need to seal the deal and R&D is lightly defended. Legwork if their HQ is vulnerable and you think they're holding, or Sneakdoor if HQ is too guarded. Account Siphon at the right time can open R&D back up, even if they've re-iced it, and can be great econ for you. Carapace is a first-fetch if facing down Weyland, then just keep 6 cards in hand with Logos and you're good. Same Old Thing lets you spam Account Siphon if you need, or even bring back Deja Vu to get replacements for rig pieces if you're in dire straights. Bank Job can let you get the cash to trash a SanSan City Grid from nowhere (something I forgot about during the tournament).

10 Feb 2015 JAK

That is an awesome breaker suite. Does it ever give you problems?