Spiny Robots

smilingbandit2 15

This is a work in progress. I think it's purpose is straightforward - create an expensive, dangerous environment for the runner. Ideally you can hit the runner with 1-2 brain damage and really scare them with the snares and shocks.

18 Jan 2014 Maximus

I feel like you are severely lacking in econ. You have 18 Ice, which I feel is not enough to reliably hit good stuff with your Beta Test. Since you are planning to hard rez your Janus, Heimdall and Ichi 2.0, you need more econ than what you currently have. I am also not a fan of Eve over other econ assets, simply because they take too long to pay for themselves. I think if you want to go asset heavy with your econ, you should add melange instead of Eve and maybe replace your Accelerated Beta Test with Efficiency Committee.