Norwegian Arms Dealer (6-1 EMEA Continentials Swiss)

ZomZraft 25


This deck went 6-1 in the EMEA swiss, and as one of only two Thule Subsea decks registered I felt I had to publish the list.

Game Plan

Get down a Wage Workers early and defend it with ICE. With the extra clicks it provides, build a scoring remote and start scoring out Salvo Testing or Stegodon MK IV. The combination of Stegadons and defensive upgrades such as Manegarm Skunkworks and Adrian Seis can keep the remote safe in the late game. Alternatively, if you scored a Salvo Testing early or the runner keeps taking core damage from your ID, simply fast advance the last points with Ontological Dependence.

When it comes to protecting centrals, the ID does most of the work for you. Sniping singles out of RnD is significantly worse when you have to pay a click and two credits if you find something. Later on, I found a single Brân 1.0 is usually enough to make RnD sufficiently expensive coupled with the threat of Stegadon.

The economy which fuels this engine is found mainly in Tranquility Home Grid and Fully Operational, aided by Vovô Ozetti. These three are all strengthened by the fact that we're attempting to build two remotes (yes even the Tranq grid, since the multiple copies aren't redundant).

Final Thoughts

Why Thule over Asa Group? One ID: Esâ Afontov. Asa folds to the immense central pressure of Esâ and can't score out quick enough, while with Ontologicals the mathup is heavily in Thules favor.

Lastly, a huge thanks to the folk over at Null Signal Games who organized the tournament and the judges who ran it.