Core Set weyland

thrazznos 479

Weyland Deck using only 1 core set.

11 Dec 2015 jmbostwick

Looks strong! It's hard to have too much to say about a Core Set deck, because your options are just so limited, but I think you've put together a very solid tag-and-bag deck that should have great success tagging and killing the Runner. I'm not a huge fan of Research Station and Snare in the same deck -- Snare's a great trap to just hold onto in your hand, but if you're taking advantage of Research Station, that will make it less likely that you'll get the Runner to actually hit it. I might suggest swapping out Research Station and Archived Memories for two copies of Ghost Branch instead: it can bluff as an agenda, and hitting the Runner with an extra tag or two that they didn't plan for can be deadly for them!

11 Dec 2015 thrazznos

That is a fantastic point about research station, I mostly had it in there to hold onto the scorch combo, but it's going to be really hard to draw anyway with only 2 scorches in a single core set. Ghost Branch is pretty awesome, seems like a good use of the remaining influence, especially with the double advanced Posted Bounty threat.