Tag Me to Hell (5th overall in NISEI Eternal Tournament)

Shishu 663

As soon as I heard about the Eternal ANR tournament (like 3 days before the event), I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to play: HPT + Midseasons. Weyland has always been my jam. Well, at least what everyone in my meta has known me for. I wanted to do as much meat damage as possible to as many runners as possible, and boy did I do some damage. All of my swiss games (4, since my opponent dropped in the first round) went less than 10 minutes. I beat Liza, Adam, Hayley, and MaxX. I expected the easy win from Liza, but the others? They just didn't expect an old-ass card.

This definitely is not the best deck for Eternal. The best Weyland? Probably. Being the sole Weyland in the cut was a tremendous honor.

Card choices? Restructure over IPO because it gives more money with Stinson. Under the Bus takes care of Film Critic. Paper Trail (an agenda you will actually score) nukes Aaron, Film Critic, and Temujin in one go (op as fuck).

Game plan? Money up, bait, murder. They don't want to run? Reverse those goddamn accounts. Employees striking? Time for a Hostile Takeover. Or ration their resources.

This deck is a blast to play if you're looking for a single turn combo. Shoutout to @groenkaaf and @skry for helping with testing, and shoutout to NISEI for holding such an awesome tournament despite the rough start.

Always. Be. Killing.

2 Dec 2018 NtscapeNavigator

Wait? You ran paper trail? That's amazing xD

Congrats on top 8