Child's Play

synergistic 44

This reckless deck is all about trashing your hand for drip econ, getting setup as quick as possible, and causing havoc for the corp. Let's get into the deck choices.


Divide and Conquer - So this is pretty cool. Know what's cooler? Divide and conquer + turning wheel counters. This has been confirmed to give you multi access on HQ AND R&D so this card is a great addition. I'd love to add a second but slots are tight in a 40 card deck and you can always same old thing it if you have a bunch of turning wheel counters on it.

Guinea Pig/Sure Gamble/Stimhack - Burst econ. Guinea Pig with the added benefit of trashing cards you don't need to meet ID requirements. Can also be used when Guinea Pig is the only card in hand.

I've Had Worse/Inject - Card draw. Only one copy of I've Had Worse because slots are tight and I wanted to make sure the deck goes fast enough to use Levy's. If you accidentally inject a cradle or datasucker, don't worry - we've got ways to reclaim it!

Levy's - you'll be drawing (and trashing) a lot with this deck so you need to run Levy's. Make sure you get paperclip and MKUltra installed before doing so!


Patchwork - This is an AMAZING console for Gnat. So much money is saved over the course of the game and you get to trash cards you don't need at the time. I usually hard mulligan for Patchwork because it's THAT good. To be honest, the deck falls a little flat if you don't see this early.

Feedback Filter - Obligatory net/brain damage prevention.


Daily Casts - Clickless econ.

Earthrise Hotel - Clickless card draw.

Crash Space - New addition. Tags can set your econ back a little bit. Also good meat damage prevention. Mostly included for Argus matches.

Ice Carver - Helps out all your breakers, especially Cradle. Those nasty 6 strength code gates can be broken for a measly 2 credits!

Maxwell James - Takes a good amount of skill to know when to use this card, very powerful in the right situation.

Reclaim - Originally had two but cut one for a crash space. Could go back and forth between them. Helps bring back Cradle and Datasuckers.

Same Old Thing - Event recursion when you don't feel like holding on to Levy's. Also useful for events like divide and conquer or stimhack.

Turning Wheel - General multi access. Combo with divide and conquer for super-duper multi access.


Conspiracy breakers + Cradle - Standard Paperclip and MKUltra but with Cradle because it synergizes with our strategy. Only thing is you actually have to install Cradle. Could Black Orchestra be flat out better? Possibly, but I'm an optimist and want to make Cradle work :). Added Datasuckers for cradle support and general ice lowering to save econ.

And that's the deck! Comments and feedback always appreciated. I've played this casually on and in person. It has seen decent success but it is SO much fun to play. Give it a whirl!