Go on - rez that ice. I dare you (who the hell thought Sifr

pjbuckhurst 7

Pick one central server and destroy the ice with blackmail and en passant. Pick the other server and destroy with parasite and sifr. Prob have about 2 months before Sifr or parasite has been restricted/errated/banned

18 Jan 2017 oldman

One word. Prey

18 Jan 2017 Zakalwe

@oldman Problem: Once you 'pass' the Ice, which is required for Prey, you are no longer 'encountering' the Ice, which means Şifr's effect is no longer active and the Ice reverts to it's normal strength.

If you read my review of Prey there is a bit of an explanation of why this also means Wyrm doesn't work with Prey either.