Restartt 217

First take on a rubicon deck. Run servers as normal for temujin/desperado/security testing/account siphon credits. But with the free los/compromised employee credits (hostage them out early, along with specific tech for matchups like aaron or film critic or a kati), turn down the ice they rez.

See, runners design their decks not knowing how many credits they'll need in a game, so they prepare for anything and try and go infinite. But corps - they know their ice suite and gameplan. They plan for roughly how much money it takes to do their gameplan. They might plan a little more money than needed for siphons/vamps, but they rarely have a resuable engine. So if you make them spend significantly more, they end up clicking for credits a lot, and losing.

Basically, get a little setup going, then slam into servers. rubicon and siphon to keep them poor and their ice down. in these turns use medium/turning wheel to slam r&d or get a few out of HQ.

Rubicon/los makes it MUCH harder to defend single ice servers vs desperado/sec/temujin. you cant struggle to get ice up then be ok because you've got protection, it's going right back down.

Miss a big piece of ice the turn its rezzed, or they rez two? your programs can help catch those outliers