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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Hey you! Yeah, you! I saw you the minute you walked in here and I thought: There's a man or woman who's lookin' for a solid, winning corp deck!
I know, I know, you've heard the Film Critic's reports about NBN models. They're flashy and fast but they break down too easy nowadays. Well first off - don't listen to that critic. It's her job to tell you that and she's not as big a deal as she thinks she is. Secondly, and I want you to come in close because I haven't told a lot of people this yet, but there's a new model here that we're previewin', and it's almost as fast as those previous ones, but a lot more sturdy and with a ton of more options for dealing with your competition.
I can see I've got your attention. Good.
For one thing, fully one-fifth of the agenda points in this engine are built such that if you drive this thing right you don't never even need to worry about losin' 'em! And that's not even considering the other fifth on-loan from the police department. Sure, those make it a tiny bit slower than the NEH and Haarpsichord models, but they keep it safe. Whoo-ee do they keep it safe, and keep would-be thieves poor!
It's got the same proprietary Astro-core engine NBN has always boasted, with a bit of Project Beale in there, just in case you ever get out into the open road and feel like kicking things into overdrive.
Our counter-intrusion measures are full of taxing tricks off all the sorts you've come to love from NBN, but what you're really going to fall for here is the in-dash entertainment system, featuring NBN's own breakout star Lily Lockwood, happy to help you pull up all your various options. And believe me, it is the options which pull this model apart from the pack.
Cerebral Static is of course our gold standard. For what is a runner without their Identity, amirite? Yes, yes, we've all heard about Andromeda, fine. But for most runners, this will do just nicely, especially considering that this model's patented re-flow system means that no current ever needs to leave the system for long.
Housekeeping is another beauty, depriving thieves of their tools in real-time. Always useful.
Enhanced Login Protocol and Predictive Algorithm are great for giving some street hooligans a lesson when they try to race you - why do you need the speed of an NEH when you can just slow the runner down, that's what I always ask!
Surveillance Sweep doesn't look like much here (though we've included a single Weyland-issue Scorched Earth just to keep them honest) but it handles security through fear and poverty. A nice combo!
And finally, Targeted Marketing. It's not always going to be your go-to, but against thieves you've seen again and again, it's a joy to behold. I just hope you get a chance to catch a Chameleon in your sights with this one. Oh lordy yes, that'll be a great day.
Now, there are some spec differences we should discuss from our previous models. Lily Lockwell replaces Jackson Howard in terms of card draw and that's not to everyone's cup of tea. You've got to understand that in this model, your currents are gonna go in the trunk while your agendas stay in HQ until they're ready. That's why we contracted with Weyland for their own Meru Mati. Keeps HQ nice and secure.
Any questions, just write 'em down below while I get the paperwork started!