This Machine Kills Outlaws 1.2

obscurica 1317

Don't make decks when you're sleep-deprived. Deleted the previous iteration. This one doesn't have something stupid like Tyr's Hand wanderin' around the list.

Force them to activate your trap cards with Mind Game. If you score a Labyrinthine Server, they can't even jack out of a bad decision. Finish them off with a House of Knives or Philotic Entanglement - assuming Ryon Knight or Cerebral Overwriter didn't just make them too weak to survive the next hit anyhow.

Recur anything you need with Raman Rai and Hades Fragment ('cuz I wanted to make this deck rotation-proof, so no Jacksons.).

Most importantly: if they risk nothing, you gain everything. Whether it be cash or agendas, they cannot afford to let you go unchecked.

The machine grinds on, and it grinds the bone of its victims very fine indeed.

Ver 1.2: Test-ran a variant replacing a lot of the non-faction assets with Back Channels at Doc's store tourney on 1-15-2017 (Frisco, Texas). Basic gameplan performed adequately. Lack of card draw to bust through R&D lock was noticeable. Heritage Committee ought to address card access issue whilst discouraging R&D probing via ambushes. Back Channels as supplemental income was great.