The Best Defense

Disturbed1 249

2 Feb 2017 Oooer

Are you planning to land a tag to use scorched, or is it simply there for the threat? I don't see how you could land a tag with only prisec and snare available. A competent runner will not run last click against jinteki (or really anyone), so they will likely have chance to clear the tag before it's your turn. Cerebral casts is an in-faction answer, and many runners will opt to take the tag rather than the brain damage.

Do you have a plan to score out? You have no ice that actually ends the run, and a only 2 agendas that can be never-advanced (and 1 that can be scored from hand) That leaves you on 6 points if the stars align.

If you're just trying to mill their deck, look at including data mins, friends in high places and house of knives for lots of small doses of net damage.

I think pick a win condition and build to that!

2 Feb 2017 Disturbed1

I normally try to toss a Hokusai and a couple Prisec into the same server and then start scoring out of that (though that's mainly to encourage the runner to run since I'm scoring points, it's not the primary game plan) trying to play off the 3pointers as Fetal. Normally, that combo is enough of an incentive to stay away from the server if they've seen that I am running Hokusai and/or Prisec prior to actually running that server. If it IS a Fetal, that's 3 net, 2 meat, 2 tags, and 2 cards off the top of the deck for them getting 2 points after paying $2.

Scorch is used for a kill if I can stick a tag from Prisec or Snare but does act as a good threat.

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