Pravdivost Tag Fast Advance [Startup]

Crimsonmatt 44

This is a Startup Pravdivost deck I've been running on Jnet that appears to have some successful.

The key pieces of the deck are Shipment from Vladisibirsk, Checkist Scions and Drago Ivanov.

For the most part, you will not be icing remotes. Early Urticas and Chekists are essential for putting the runner in the mind set that advanced or unrezzed remotes are not safe to run. PAD Campaign and Marilyn give some passive income and invite the runner to run them to trigger Pravdivost's passive. I recommend not rezzing all of your PAD or Marilyns unless you need the economy, to keep the runner guessing.

For the most part, your bread and butter is to get Drago on four advancements (ideally without spending any of your own clicks) and create a window fast advance any of your agendas with Shipment to Vladisibirsk. Having the runner on 2 tags should allow you to install, advance, shipment your Send a Message, as well as Project Beale for 3pts. Runner on two tags also allows your to Install 2x Freedom of Information, Shipment for 4 pts. For any of the 4 advancement agendas, you can score out using the same sequence with 3 tokens on Drago.

If the runner is sufficiently afraid of running unrezzed remotes, you can hide your agendas. Installing an unadvanced Beale or a single advanced Freedom of Information is fine. You either score it out the next turn, or the runner steals it for some points. Either way, you encourage the runner to run your remotes more.

Occasionally you need to drip tags on the runner using Funhouse, Pings, Tomorrow's headline, and the occasional Orbital Superiority. With the prevalence of No Free Lunch, you are going to have to deal with the runner easily clearing tags, but once you are able to burn through those, the runner's action and credit economy hopefully will not be able to keep up.

Once you've revealed your Drago, you can place it behind an ice, if you feel that you can keep it alive long enough to pile on tags.

Trick of light is for utilizing your Urtica and Checkist advancements when the runner is sure they do not want to run them. There is a single backroom machinations for if you are stuck on 6 points. A single gaslight is to help you pull a Shipment when you are ready to score out.

There is no End of the Line in this deck. Would this deck be better running end of the line and trying to flatline? Probably. But it would be boring, so it's not in here. There is a single cheeky orbital superiority that you can FA out and flatline the runner on occasion.

Possible changes:

The deck runs 10 ice, because ideally you do not need to ice your remotes. However, you can run into some trouble if you don't draw at least one or two early to protect your centrals.

You could try replacing a Freedom of Information with another Beale. I've been in a couple of situations where I could FA a beale for 3pts and win, but I am stuck with a FoI that I can only score for 2.

By all means, run End of the Line.