Biostructures 1.1

Kharn the Betrayer 224

Are you nostalgic for mumbad hot tubs decks? Do you hate when the runner has fun? Do you scoff at the idea of even trying to score out? Well this is the deck for you.

Seriously, this build is filthy. Unless you play against Whizz, then you can just concede and begin weeping. Your goal is to build up a giant stack of servers that make it impossible for the runner to do anything to your assets without paying dearly in cards and creds. So dearly that they won't want to run your remotes. And at the point they've given up on trying to hold back the spam, you start shaving off their grip with BEA.

Hostile/Caprice/Hokusai/MVT/Encryption - This is your suite of discouragement cards. Hostiles make fighting against the inevitable BEAs a losing proposition that only hastens the runner's demise and discourage trying to fight the asset spam. Caprice makes the runner think about whether they want to run at all. Hokusais add even more pain to a run on something popular or important, you really want to tax runs on your core components as hard as possible. MVT can be a surprise trap that makes the runner kill themself, or it can force them to play with weak econ or just not run a server, any of that is good stuff for you. Encryption Protocol hurts the runner's cash or grip depending on what they decide to run first. Everything except hostiles is designed to protect hostile. When you combine all this shit in one dozen-long server chain, running is just an unprofitable experience for the runner.

Diversified Portfolio/Agroplex - This is your econ, you don't really need much more as your only big money sink is hostiles which a single portfolio can pay off easily, especially when you can flip a CSM to fire it off again. Otherwise your basic bitch clicks and Palana's natural pad campaign should get the job done.

Clone Suffrage Movement/Interns/Jacksons - The runner will try to shut you out if they can by tearing down all your toys, so you need to rebuild. Interns does that and CSM lets you interns forever, the card is better than MoH here and not even unique. It's absolutely bonkers. Jackson is as Jackson does.

Data Mine/Mother Goddess/Himitsu Bako - Okay, we're not completely ICEless, these actually replaced restructures from an earlier build that were just unnecessary. Datamine is another surprise griptax that can make the difference between being able to afford a trash and dying to net damage to make it happen. MG is a solid block of ETR unless the runner has an AI to break it. HB is a gearcheck that can vanish if you need MG to do her thing. Most of these are just going to be means of defending hostiles, as those are the key to your victory.

Genetics Pavillion/Hiro/BEA - This is your win. If you can keep Genetics Pavillion and all your BEAs up, the runner will just slowly die. This is also why you absolutely have to protect your hostiles, it makes running BEAs a net negative. The runner will lose multiple cards rather than one and you can just reinstall off a recurring interns. Hiro just speeds things up a bit sometimes or punishes runners with a fat grip.

Agendas - Chosen for maximum pain-in-the-assitude. Chronos Protocol helps against LARLA and other recursion as the runner will frequently give up on trying to run your mystery servers once they realize everything you install hurts them.

Bottom line, if you can keep a bunch of Hostiles active the runner will just have to roll over and accept their fate because they can't afford to run servers full of pain that will never stay trashed.

-3 Hedge Fund, +3 Shock! - makes archives a safe deposit for unwanted agendas when the runner can't afford the net, also great for bluffs on hokusai grid. -2 Clone Retirement, +2 Chronos Protocol - This should have been the agenda spread to begin with. RFGing the heap is a big deal for this deck in the long game.