Iceless Argus

freeman.ko 1

I've been doing pretty well with this deck so far.

Being Iceless tends to throw the runner off their game in my experience. It also makes the game much more about tricks and head-games which I enjoy.

Give it a try.

4 Aug 2015 DarkMite2

An experienced runner can manage their grip to get around your strategy. I know the ID “can” tag, but by running early & clearing them or just taking the 2 damage w/ each agenda stolen. How are you going to Scorch / TA? I see Snare, but that has the same problem as the ID. (Run w/ full grip – hit Snare! – Clear tag & draw up. ) Once I see a Junebug or Overwriter on a Central Server R&D access, I know to just pound HQ and R&D and that remotes are not worth it. With zero ICE the runner feels no pressure to slow down & play programs. If they put down Plascrete, you are going to be hosed.

You have nothing to shuffle those Snares! or Contact Killers back into R&D or even your grip, like Interns. So once they are gone, the pressure is really off.

A little Ice wouldn’t be a bad thing. You have all these Econ cards & very little to spend it on.

Maybe a SEA Source too…

I play a lot of this “shell game” with Jinteki, but even those need 6 – 9 pieces of ICE. GL! =)