MaxXimum Hate: 1st Place Springfield, MO Store Championship

ElderMason 1237

First of all, thank you to all of the fine people who play Netrunner in Kansas City. You guys are exceptional and are always helping me be better.

When I first saw MaxX, she scared me. Trashing your own cards? Sure, you have Same Old Thing and Déjà Vu but is it worth it? Absolutely. It wasn't until a week or two after that I realized that this is just what Anatomy of Anarch (credits to the famous Steven Wooley) needed: Speed. I've been testing with MaxX since then and I think her incredible ability to be so intense so quickly is unmatched.

Corps Beware.

30 Mar 2015 asteriskreaper

Damn, wish i could have gone! Had plans though...

31 Mar 2015 Myriad

Very interesting build.

Do you think this build has many advantages over the ret run/femme builds that Slysquid put out a month back? The extra siphon seems like it does streamline a few aspects of the deck.

Do you get a lot of mileage out of Imp when your only real way of accessing is burning down a servers ICE or Knight? Did you test datasucker?

3 Apr 2015 poorhaus

@Myriad personally I find imp to be required against asset spam decks. Its an econ card. Can help with Crisium too.

7 Apr 2015 ElderMason

@Myriad Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I've been crazy busy lately. Fortunately all the people that play Netrunner in Kansas City are awesome, smart people and recently we've been talking about how the best way to win Netrunner is to not let your opponent play. When you Siphon a corp, they aren't allowed to play the game anymore. When you install a Data Leak Reversal you are telling the Corp: "Your turn will now be credit, credit, trash DLR." at which point they are continuing to not play. I really wanted the Retreival Run with Morning Star and Femme Fatale deck to work but it just felt less good than stopping your opponent from playing Netrunner.

Imp is one of the best cards in the game. The ability to destroy your opponent's cards is fantastic. I feel like it's almost always an auto-include unless your Edward Kim in which case I would probably play Scrubber. A lot of the time I would Siphon without a breaker (obviously not against Jinteki) and they would inevitably Rez their HQ ice which would often lead them to be entirely broke, opening up free accesses on R&D and remotes so I could go Imp their SanSan or Adonis or whatever or I'd check out that sweet Biotic Labor sitting on top of R&D and have Imp obliterate it.

I never tested Suckers in MaxX. Mem is tight with Keyhole and with only 2 Spinal Modem it only comes out on occasion. I never felt like I needed Datasuckers. I almost always have enough economy to boost strength and break through anything in my way.