Stormy Weather (Petrie's Colorado Regional 2nd Place)

TheRyanBurke 2024

Named after the deck's pièce de résistance, Susanoo-No-Mikoto (or as I like to call it, Little Suzie Mikoto). This deck will spread your opponent thin and have them scrambling to deal with threats.

This deck went 5-2 (once in swiss, and first round of elim) and really carried me through the Losers Bracket of the top 8 elimination series.

Inazuma + Susanoo + Ash/Caprice provided an incomparable 5/3 scoring remote. Adding Grim, Archer, and/or Shocks to Archives is terribly fun as well.

Inazuma and Future Perfect... those are some good cards, y'all.

Thanks to Kyle and Matt for the recommendations on Guard and Rainbow.

Most people were surprised to see Medical Research Fundraiser, but it gets Jinteki back in the game after scoring an agenda. This is a deck in which I didn't want to reveal my hand. The boon to the runner is quickly lost to the taxing ICE here.

Over the course of the day, I must have won the Psi game ~60% of the time. Clutch Psi game win to stay alive in the Losers Bracket, too!

Multiple game wins advancing a 5/3 once at 4 points. For some reason, most of my opponents didn't consider A, A, Trick of Light for the game win.

19 May 2014 mplain

Inazuma + Susanoo... Femme Fatale just went up in value.

So you advanced Ice Wall manually?

19 May 2014 AsteriskCGY

Sundew tends to add up quick, especially if they can be protected. I think Rainbow is a great one I should try with the Untrashable deck over Chimera.

19 May 2014 TheRyanBurke

During this event, I tried to hide Susanoo as long as possible to encourage Femme going to other ICE. Typically, there aren't enough clicks for the runner to prep a central and the remote run, hit the Susanoo, and get Femme out to run again that turn. Upgrades help, too!

20 May 2014 hypomodern

I :heart: Susanoo as a one-of in my JRP too.

23 May 2014 Twitch_City

What are you generally putting Inazuma in front of here? Just simple ETRs?

Is Guard primarily for an early scoring remote?

Do you find that Komainu doesn't fit this deck?

Is three Ice Walls necessary when you only run 2 ToLs?

I'm really interested in how you made this work!

23 May 2014 TheRyanBurke

Inazuma into Archer, Susanoo, and Grim are great, but otherwise yes, in front of any ETR mandates 2 breaker types to access a server. Inazuma is crazy expensive to break for everything but Torch.

I was worried about Parasite and elected not to use Komainu in this deck. If I swapped anything for 2x Komainu it would either be Rainbow or Grim.

Guard is primarily for Inside Job protection. It was 2x Rototurret before, and I found the non-bypass property to be more useful in a Criminal heavy environment.

I found three Ice Walls to be necessary in order to get one early enough while I have time to blow 2-4 clicks on advancing. It's just a great ICE, even without the Trick of Light play.

As for making it work, make those centrals expensive, lock down one Sundew, and then get Inazuma and something painful in a remote with either upgrade. That is most of the magic!

23 May 2014 hypomodern

You have to assume Inazuma on the remote server or on a central your opponent wants to run a lot like R&D or HQ. As Ryan says, Inazuma => Susanoo is a "yes please" remote.

I'd test Komai-komai in place of the rainbows. It's a huge, huge tempo hit for the runner if they facecheck it.

23 May 2014 Twitch_City

Thanks for the reply! I really appreciate it.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing re: Komainu/Rainbow. Primarily because some of the players I practice most often with are all about Morning Star, which reduces Rainbow to a 1 credit break. At least Ice Wall, even if it isn't taxing against MS, we can ToL off it so it still has uses.