SYNC Flash

wakkawakka 10

I piloted this deck to 3rd seed in a 14-man SC, going 5-1 for the whole day, losing only to a kate who did indexing + 1 random access for 6 points by turn 2 during the final.

Based on the flash wears yellow, I modified the idea and ported it to Sync due to its ability to make tags stick/tax more.

27 Feb 2016 Maëlig

What's the logic behind GFI instead of Explode-a-palooza, which would seem ideal with Midseason?

27 Feb 2016 Phoenix

Deckslots, agenda density and the ability to score 3 points with a psycho I would assume?

28 Feb 2016 wakkawakka

@Maëlig @Phoenix yeah, that's right, using 2 GFIs free up a deck slot which is pretty precious. Dropping from 18 points to 16 points and having to steal 4/8 instead of 4/9 agendas makes it even more difficult close out the game as runner. Other than psycho, with a combination of SanSan or biotic + AstroScript it's possible to do never advance for the last 3 points. On the day of the SC I actually managed to pull off a FA GFI for the win with San San + biotic + 2 Astro countries to install cyberdex for clot, so I think it's pretty worth the slots/inf!