[Eternal] We have hyperdriver at home (4-1@COS)

AugustusCaesar 1598

totally just as a hyperdriver, nothing to see here

I hear that Hyperdriver is a good card, worth the 3 eternal points you pay for it, so what if we played 6 hyperdriver:tm:, surely that would be even better. And due to surely some oversight, we dont have to pay a single eternal point for the privilege.

Early versions of this list were on very ambitious plans to use these hyperdrivers:tm: to land deep dives, with katorgas to save the dd if gets hit by the small downside of our hyperdrivers, and that was great fun. But in addition to having a more hyperdrivers, busted anarchs also have a better deep dive in keyhole. And the classic line of keyholing someone 5 times is usually enough to win games of netrunner.

This is a deck that me and @BaaRamWu brewed for COS, but before a deep dive into the deck's lines, a very serious disclaimer: Do not play this deck if you expect to face IG, this decks matchup into IG is abysmal, for the fairly obvious reasons and then some less obvious reasons. Most criminally is that our wincon of keyhole gets made really hard to use by a Hostile Infrastructure, even with Light the Fire!s for infrastructures, our winrate into IG is generously under 20%. If you want to see first hand how bad it gets, check out the first round of the COS stream, where the deck picked up its only loss.

Plan A - Budget Dyper

If your opponent got the memo that ice is for standard and they shouldn't play much of it, a single DDoS should be enough to give you free runs of RnD.

Obviously this angle relied a bit on surprise factor at COS, where i frequently held the DDoS in hand until the combo turn to avoid raising suspicion. For opponents that are expecting the DDoS plan and double ice RnD you might need to reinforce the Faust/Botulus angle. The Clone Chips give you a lot of options in how you want to set up the combo turn, be that with a big faust+steelskin turn, a hush to blank a tour guide, or just a botulus to get in a couple of times,

Plan B - No Combos For You (powered by Clan Vengenace)

In my evaluation, out of the cards that Anarch can spend their points on, Clan Vengeance is solidly number 2 in terms of power. One of the biggest draws to Esa is getting to play Vengeance without needing to spend a point for Zer0, or indeed without needing to draw a Zer0 for it to do anything.

Since the deck is set up to very consistently take a core damage every single turn, Clan Vengeance ramps up fast and closes the doors very quickly on decks trying to assemble combos of any kind. Also, if you are skilled enough, you also only need a single Vengeance counter to stop a HPT (based on a true story of a game in COS)

Plan C - Text? On your assets? Nah, we cant have any of that.

The most busted card, is without a doubt, Rumor Mill, why would I need to spend time and credits to check the corp's remotes when I can play a single card that makes them all irrelevant. It makes the usual Dyper plan of "Durdle around and hope you are fast enough" so much more effective if the corp needs to spend a bunch of time finding a counter current. And then when they find out that they dont ever have enough countercurrents to beat our 5 copies of Rumor Mill, they are extremely sad.

Plan D - I hear that Shapers are good at draw

Since almost all of the busted cards we want are Anarch cards, we can afford a lot of influence on draw to find the pieces of the plan that is most relevant. Astrolabe is definitely in the running for most powerful card that doesn't cost points, the only reason it isn't more ubiquitous is that Desperado is also up there for that title. But since this deck doesn't care about silly things like contesting remotes or having an economy, we can astrolabe to our hearts content and make NEH opponents have to make some difficult decisions. We don't even need to be sad about loosing access to Marrow as our console, because Eternal has Brain Cage, which is typically better, since its not like Eternal decks score agendas very often.

Second draw all-star is Laguna Velasco District, usually seen in very different style of decks, but is absolutely nuts with our extra click effects. I am definitely kicking myself for running two Deuces Wild instead of the second Laguna. 5 credits can be a lot, but a single Peace In Our Time makes that no longer an issue.

Plan E - Sabotage I guess

Sabotage ends up being a small part of this deck, but one that can very often put you over the edge points wise. I at various points considered making this a MaxX deck with no other changes (besides a better handsize option than brain cage), it would probably get us 1 or so more cards drawn each game from missed Esa triggers. But being able to flip the MaxX self-mill into corp mill is probably good enough reason to be Esa.

I have also considered putting in a single Chastushka in the deck to have some HQ pressure and make it so corps that know the list still have to spend some ice there. Its probably unnecessary given that the Esa Sabotage naturally forces HQ ice or they would risk us running HQ and stealing agendas the old fashioned way (unless they mill off RnD every time, which we aren't too sad about).

Baa Ram Wu's Wine Pairing

"Would match this with a Sicilian Primitivo. Smooth, fully of power, and can hit you in the face like a truck."

24 Oct 2023 @Bookkeeper

Suddenly I feel we need more Baa Ram Wu's Wine Pairings