headbandless 1

Based on DoubleK's deck (https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/2ca7f17a-0051-49b5-a4df-59b4a4e4cb2b/prepaid-addict-1st-copenhagen-startup-co-).

Mulligan for Prepaid VoicePAD and get constant economy from run events. Still missing an in-faction fracter. Jailbreak is gone from this version since it doesn't benefit from the cost reduction of Prepaid VoicePAD.

Endgame is to pressure centrals using Twinning/Maker's Eye/Deep Dive. Turbine is here to save money on breaking ice (esp. since Echelon is expensive to boost) and is made cheaper by Spark of Inspiration. Plenty of tutoring with 2x Into the Depths/3x Spark of Inspiration/2x Test Run, but only the latter can rescue programs from heap, so make sure Echelon/Femme is online before facechecking Stavka/Bloop/Rototurret. Leave your programs in your stack if you draw them with Ayla's ability and let your other cards find them for you.

Use either 1x Femme Fatale or 1x Legwork depending on your mood. Femme combos well with Test Run and Spark of Inspiration.

From Liberation cycle, might benefit from Bahia Bands/Pressure Spike/Trick Shot/Muse/Cataloguer(?)/Ashen Epilogue. (Once you have Pressure Spike, you can use that influence for Ashen instead. Trick Shot can replace some of the run events.)