5th Place German Nationals "AC &D"

JackMade 3254

This deck was a beast, only losing twice in the whole tournament and only against kill decks. Went 5-1 in Swiss and 0-1 in the Top8 Cut. I would cut the "Freedom Through Equality" and add a Plascrete Carapace to improve that matchup. Feedback Filter was also not necessary so there is another free slot for influence if necessary.

5 Sep 2016 Axul

Ye, those bloody kill decks, drawing the kill with 3 cards left in R&D. I really hate them...

But to be honest, you are the best criminal player i know, and im really glad i build and tested an Andromeda with almost the same cards you play, except playing two sports hopper and a second networking instead of crashspace and sneakdoor.

5 Sep 2016 JackMade

Nonetheless the matchup wasn't that bad. I could have won, as you know. ;)

19 Sep 2016 kephalopode

this is not a good deck i play this and have trouble every time then i play exile and win much easier the economy does not work if you can not run for example stronger together can shut you out easily also you can not instant tutor programs you have only one card for meat damage and net damage each and cant tutor them one game i did not draw feedback filter and ran a snare and died german players must be bad if you can make 5th place with this deck

23 Sep 2016 JackMade

@kephalopode Credit to rediknight, the best commentator on netrunnerdb.com