Prepaid Injection

oNiBi 4

Your typical prepaid event deck which makes use of Inject as a second very effective card draw besides Diesel: Prepay your events, Test Run/Scavenge your three breakers, play Levy, and follow up with even more events. The usually unpredictable Anarch event Inject is just perfect in this deck since you want to draw any cards but programmes anyway and it is more efficient than Quality Time, especially early game.

Femme Fatale: Over Garrote because Femme can be testrunned in order to attack without a set up rig and repeatedly scavenged over the course of the game to cope with several upcoming obstacles (Curtain Wall, Tollbooth, Archer, Komainu, ...).

Infiltration: Deals with traps, especially Mushin No Shin. Can also be played to testrun the right breaker. I tried Tinkering as an alternative but it is basically a dead draw late game after your Levy and most of the time a testrunned Femme does the job.

Social Engineering: May not be a keeper but it is sometimes just ridiculous if played inevitably. Take for example a late game run vs a Blue Sun remote where they either not rez their Curtain Wall or give you 14 credits which you use to break right away (and keep the change).

Imp: Is not in the deck, right. I played Imp for a long time but feel that testrunning it makes the deck a tad too slow, even though it can be devastating in some instances (remember that you can scavenge him again and again!).

I appreciate suggestions for improvement and like to hear about your experiences with these kinds of decks! Enjoy!

7 Nov 2014 Shishu

I really wanna like this deck, but I feel like there are too many one-offs. This deck needs its money, for sure, but you might wanna mess around with the influence with Lucky Find versus Legwork.

My only concrete suggestion would be to sneak in some Public Terminals for maximum optimization, but you've only got Dirty Laundry and Legwork as run events that cost money. Perhaps Escher might do well here?

8 Nov 2014 aneurysm

With 3 programs, what do you trash?

8 Nov 2014 oNiBi

Thanks for your comments!

@Shishu I dont really see Public Terminals in here for the reason you gave already. Some people argue that even VoicePADs are too slow and expensive. I dont know if you have played these kinds of decks already, but it is pretty common to run one-offs for breakers, Levy, and Legwork. Thats where Same Old Thing comes in. You throw away the Social Engineering when you overdraw (and thats just what you want to do to get your Test Runs etc.) and play it with Same Old Thing if you see fit. If you are worried, however, you can go with more of the same, say 3 Plascretes or 2 Infiltrations.

@aneurysm I dont really get what you mean, im afraid. Basically, you want to overdraw your three breakers because if you keep them in your hand you cant testrun/scavenge them - so drawing into them is never desirable and Inject never makes you draw them but gives you money instead. Inject, in this sense, is not a money but great draw card. And you want to draw a lot. Other than that you dont trash cards in general.