My Andy "Shut It Down" Attempt

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oasis 90

I was experimenting with this losely, in and out of Kahn. Based off of some older resource builds that used supplier to gain economic advantage. I couldn't keep the underworlds, I just couldn't find the space and it might be too much fiddling even if it leads to great control states. Instead I'm focusing on liberated accounts since so much less inf is going to breakers.

Arguments for desperado can probably be made, over ice analyzer and going to 2 hoppers, but ice analyzer is kind of key to the breaking engine this deck plays with.

This deck tries to offset the potential for a slow start by using andy's hand size advantage for an early burst.

I'm bad at criminal, so this probably isn't worth it, but it's what I was tooling with updated to be more like the deck I've marked as inspiration for this. I was working on the problem in parallel, but here it is.

25 Oct 2016 quailman2101

With only one of each program and no recursion except through Paperclip, you could get in real trouble. Marcus could trash your killer or decoder and lock you out completely. If Paperclip is in your heap, then Ark Lockdown will do the same. Also, Temujin Contract is almost always better than Liberated Account. It's fine to import the Accounts, but only after you got your three Contracts. That's my take.

I do plan on at least trying out a deck like this once the corresponding fractor is released.

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