Fast Food

Jcree8 63

A bit of rush, and glacier spam. The deck is currently 5-0, I've tried this before global food and it never really worked. Not sure if just the low agenda density is why it's working now but seems to be much better now with food.

12 Sep 2015 sruman

Why 49 cards? Seems to be giving up one of the big advantages of HMT? Perahps -1 niseii, -2 pad campaigns, -2 guards to make it 44?

12 Sep 2015 Jcree8

I've run 40-44 in the past. Just trying 49 out. Before food you could run 49 and it didn't matter if they stole the 2 pointer to rIse density up. With food it's a little different now but they still need 3 agendas to win unless they grab FP's. I haven't had more then 1 agenda stolen yet tho. Stack up code gate sentry and barrier etr's seems to be working well

12 Sep 2015 Jcree8

Raising density seems to be a bonus on top of hard to steal agendas. Less chances at almost the same amount of agendas. I'm so used to shuffling around 12 agendas with PE this seems almost unfair. I haven't jacksoned back an agenda since going to 49