Hayley's Dumpster Drive: 1st Place Team Covenant Regional

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Pitchfork (Sure Gamble is a crutch.)
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ElderMason 1237

This deck went undefeated through 5 rounds of Swiss and 3 games in Cut.

After a 2 week hiatus from Netrunner it was finally time for the Team Covenant Regional and had no idea what to play. I guessed that the meta would be filled with NEH and IG, so I wanted something that would deal with both of those archetypes well. On the 4 hour drive from Kansas City I looked at Spags' Pitchfork and thebigunit3000's Pawn Stars and figured that with the addition of a couple Paricia's a Hayley list would be perfectly suited to deal with the meta's biggest threats. So I built a sort of in-between, weirdo hybrid on the drive there and it worked out pretty well.

Thanks to Mr. Timothy Bunn for hosting. Always great to see the Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Tulsa, and Iowa crews (and Mr. Trundle).

11 Apr 2016 jmbostwick

I feel stupid for asking this, but I don't play a lot of Shaper, so: How do you deal with Sentries?

11 Apr 2016 RTsa

I'm guessing Chameleon, 4tman and D4.

11 Apr 2016 ElderMason

^ that. Game 1 only had to deal with Data Raven so Atman at 4. Game 2 was Komainu and Tsurugi. Luckily I had hunting ground for Komainu and then got Deus x for Tsurugi. Game 3 I forgot architect existed and then made sure I had chameleon the next time through. Game 4 was an ig. Never saw a sentry. Game 5 never saw a sentry.

11 Apr 2016 flowerscandrink

How was the IG match up? I included Deus X in my Hayley list to help with the MU. Was it helpful?

11 Apr 2016 spags


12 Apr 2016 ElderMason

@flowerscandrink It's always stressful but I made it out alive. It feels okay. I might try an Employee Strike if it becomes more prevalent. Just gotta trash Genetics Pavillion and stay alive.

14 Apr 2016 Him

No Artist Colony? Then Pol Op and Hunting Grounds look a bit random for 2 influence.

15 Apr 2016 Simone Suka

@Him a good "noooope" to caprice and tollbooth is never a bad idea.

18 Apr 2016 BobAloVskI

Congratz on the win, @ElderMason.

I've played Pitchfork a bit and loved being able to tutor things with the Artist Colony/Fan Site combo - especially when Plascrete Carapace is only a one of. How did you find having a few one-ofs with no tutor for them?

Also, how did Notoriety and Deus X treat you? Basically, I am trying to find a way to keep some of your solid includes but also have that instant tutor mechanic.

6 May 2016 stCarolas

Packed my version with Sahasrara and Scheherazade(very helpful cards), won store champ