The Diabolical Haarp Shop (1st place Singapore Nats 2015)

Jai 2356

This deck went 5-2 at Singapore Nationals, in 5 Swiss rounds followed by 2/4 rounds of double elim. The field was 40 players.

My Whizzard decklist and report can be found here:

Round 1: Arnold (DLR Val) It was all going so well when he stole my naked Exploda on turn 1 and I Midseasoned him straight after... I could have gone for the kill straight but I was worried that he had a Paparazzi under his Peddler, so I trashed a Fall Guy instead, which was definitely a mistake. I could smell the Siphon coming, so I put down another Exploda and passed the turn. As expected, he 1st click Siphoned me, and facechecked the Exploda, after which he heaved a great sigh and showed me Siphon number 2(!!!!), followed by Peddler=>WNP and last click Paparazzi. Needless to say, my death was long but inevitable from there. 0-1.

Round 2: Darren (Noise) I managed to score a t2 Astro behind a gearcheck, to which he responded by hammering R&D... only to be rewarded with another Astro and 2 News Teams. #neverluckyboys. I managed to score out a Profiteering, which gave me the cash I needed to close out the game with a bunch of other 1-pointers and an Exploda. 1-1 score out.

Round 3: DPS (Desperado Val) I was flooded to hell and back for this game, with the top 4 cards of R&D being agendas. It went something like he topdecked an Astro/I man drew a QPM/he topdecked an Exploda/I man drew TFiN. Needless to say, once he wised up and started hitting HQ, I lost pretty quickly. Ah well, them's the breaks. 1-2.

Round 4: Nick Tan (Stealth Andy) Scored a t2 Astro behind a gearcheck, followed by a TFiN for another Astro. He started playing a little more gung-ho for a while, until he accessed the Midseasons in HQ, after which he turtled up and started digging for Plascrete. He did Siphon me once, but I was at 3 and rezzed the Wraparound, so he accessed and hit a 1-pointer, thankfully. I scored the second Astro, and scored out the last 2 points shortly after. 2-2 score out.

Round 5: Wakka (Noise) I iced R&D and Archives T1, reasoning that I didn't have anything really important in HQ to protect anyway, so of course I was punished by the T1 Imp+Lamprey; luckily he could only run twice, and stole an Exploda for god measure. I purged the Lamprey and Imp turn 2, only for him to drop a second Imp and grab -who would have guessed- my second Exploda. I topdecked Midseasons after that, and gave him 8 tags, and he countered by Imping my Scorched Earth off R&D. At this point he was on 5 points including a 15 Minutes, so I shuffled it back and started digging like a madman for my kill pieces while he likewise started digging for his Plascretes. I found mine first, fortunately, and not a minute too soon, after burning through 2 Jacksons and with him being on 6 points. He gave me 2 QPMs as well, but at that point those obviously didn't matter. 3-2 flatline.

Elims Round 2: DPS rematch (Desperado Val) I have to say, my hand was pretty damn magical this game. I turn 1 IA'ed an Exploda and installed News Team, both of which he facechecked after first click installing Desperado. I turn 2 scored Breaking News, turn 3 scored Breaking News, and he let out a big sigh when he checked R&D, only for me to topdeck the Traffic Accident I needed to finish him off. 4-2 flatline.

Elims Round 3: Martin (Prepaid Kate) This game was also over in a flash. I scored a t2 Astro behind a gearcheck (man, who would have guessed at this point), and scored one more on t4, seeing as he was choosing to hammer R&D over checking remotes. He found 2 Clone Chips but no SMCs, so I FA'ed a Profiteering and scored a naked Exploda for the win. 5-2 score out.

Overall, I had 3 score outs and 2 flatlines with this deck, all against extremely competent and dangerous opponents. I feel that this version of Haarp Shop is superior to the non-Profiteering versions, due to your insane credit burst potential and your multipurpose 24/7s. The only downside is your inability to run All-Seeing I, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take (and Profiteering generally give you enough cash to trash DLR's key resources anyway).

Any comments and questions, as always, are welcome!

4 Jan 2016 HexNet

I'm surprised this didn't get more attention.

With only 4 pieces of gearcheck ice, you seem to score behind them pretty often. How do you mulligan with this deck?

Playing before/during/after nationals, what are your problem matchups?

Would you make any changes to the list? (Pre NAPD Most Wanted List)