DumbleFork - 2016 Arizona Regional Winner (37 players)

jjthejetplane246 142

This is the Whizzard deck I took to the Arizona Regionals and finished 1st with. It’s a super standard Dumblefork build with a film critic thrown in…it’s a card for card copy of this deck -> https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/34736/regional-winner-portland-or-5-7-2016-whizzard-7th-la. It went 4-0 on the day, 2-0 in Swiss (due to a bye and 2 IDs) and 2-0 in elimination:

Swiss Round 2:

Played against a guy named Nick from our local store who was running New Angeles Sol. I was actually 0-2 against this deck, so I was hoping for some revenge. My problem with Whizzard in the past was that I was too focused on running like I was a criminal instead of sitting back, setting up, and having the ability to pressure any remote come the mid/late game. I took the latter approach and poached a couple agendas out of the remote and cleaned up with medium.

Swiss Round 3:

Don’t remember the guy’s name here, but he was running Cybernetics. Same strategy as before, but he did have some tricks for me here. Ran into an Edge of the World that knocked my hand size down to 2. Luckily, he was rezzing ice over his remote, so eventually he was clicking for credits to rez R&D ice which I promptly killed and medium dug for the final agenda. A little scary at first, but once the focus was on R&D, the game was over.

Winner’s Bracket Round 2:

Here I was up against Gerry Salinas from California. Nice guy, but he brought IG which I had literally never played a game against (woooo practice). Luckily, I had watched Josh Wilson destroy Dan’s IG with Whizzard on the Stimhack stream a week or so ago, so I kinda understood what the plan was: 1) Trash all their junk 2) Get employee strike to keep trashing all their junk 3) Get into archives if necessary to continue trashing all their junk, 4) Go to time and win because you have 1 agenda and they score none. That’s pretty much what happened. After rewatching the stream, I realized that there were two times where I made huge mistakes. The first, I ran a face down Jackson with one card in hand while Gerry had 6 credits, so snare beats me. Also, I ended a turn with 0 cards in hand because I spent the last click pitching a tag from a snare. Wasn’t sure if Gerry was running a neural, but I know Jon D’s IG was, so that was dicey. Lesson learned. One big deal was I was able to levy with a Strike in play and a SOT. He played static a couple turns later which I just SOTed the strike, and the strike stuck all game. I eventually kept him off all of his assets and poked HQ until I got to 7 points. Fast start against IG with Whizz will win a good amount of games, and that’s what happened here.

Grand Finals:

This was against Josh Fullmer from CorpDraw and his SYNC deck. Funny story, we actually “faced” each other in Round 4, but we were both 6-0 and decided to ID the match. However, we were supposed to play on stream, so we played and I got swept…thank God for IDs. The big deal was that I got to figure his deck out and realized exactly what tag giving/punishment he had….which was everything (Sea Source, Midseasons, All Seeing I, Scorched, Closed Accounts, the usual list). So for this match, I was content with sitting back, making money, and sniping his remote when possible. The scariest part of the match was when he sea sourced (luckily it brought him down to like 5 creds I think) and all seeing I’ed my liberated (12 creds), daily casts (I think 4 creds), wyldside, and film critic. As I said before, he lost a good chunk of credits making this move, and I was able to get back on the money train. Another key point was when he had NAPD in the remote and stealing it would have brought me within midseasons range (I was ahead in money by about 10, but I assumed he had something like double sweeps to snipe it). Unlucky for him, I had liberated in hand, so I was able to set up for a steal in a couple of turns. Eventually, I was on 5 points, but he had a ton of credits, so I just had to avoid hitting a BN. Managed to get the Beale out of HQ instead and became a Regional Champion.

All in all, this deck is super dumb and you kind of feel invincible with it when you get a good start. Will keep playing until MWL or something worse destroys it.