2nd Place Colorado Regionals - PPVP Kate

nungunz 236

Fairly typical Kate deck. Had one timed loss and one actual loss with this deck. Not too much I'd change with it. Definitely based on Calimsha's current build. Probably drop a legwork for clot.

Great deck, a bit boring to play. My timed loss in swiss was dumb, three Indexing netted me 4 points and a fifth I sniped from R&D. Accessed a good 22-25 cards and I only ever saw 3 agenda. Just brutally unlucky. Game timed out at 6-5.

2nd loss was in elimination against the 1st place deck. A Grail FA NEH deck. This was about the only time that clot would have won me the game. I just wasn't able to keep pace and snip the agendas fast enough. Once again, Indexing just whiffed and netted me 2 points. I sniped a second and a third agenda from a remote (corp got gutsy and tried to sneak it through) and from HQ.

Game ended 7-6