Scorched by the Blue Sun

valbaca 23

Based on with the suggestions from the comments, and a couple of my own minor touches.

23 Oct 2014 Saan

I think I still like running a copy of Wendigo over the second Changeling, as 8 barriers seems a little high (and having yet another ice that costs 5 is kinda rough, even for a deck as generally rich as this is). It's helped me get a few wins by making their breakers unusable, and beyond that, it still costs several credits to break, so it still taxes, which is good to get their money low for the SEA to go off.

I kind of like the inclusion of a single Subliminal over a Restructure, actually. This deck does a lot to discourage runs on its servers, and if you can get the runner scared of dying to a SEA Scorch or a Punative, they often stop running altogether until they can get enough money to safely do so. I'll have to try it out and see if I can get it to regularly net more than 5 credits in a game. If so, I'd say it's a worthwhile inclusion!

23 Oct 2014 valbaca

I'm also considering Private Contracts or Adonis Campaign (but can't find the influence for Adonis). I figure if the runner doesn't get to it an trash it, pop it back, play again :)