Surveillance Invisible (Invisible Watch)

geekmate 14

A very straightforward deck with a very powerful economy. just one Access to Globalsec and Underworld Contact start making money. Kati Jones et Zona Sul Shipping works in the back for only one click per turn Let the corp score first. You are able to search the card you want with Logos and Iain will affects his pension. Express Delivery, Lawyer Up, Hostage or Special Order help you for setting up all this very fast. The breaker suit is not original at all but with all the money, it works pretty well.

14 Mar 2015 Coconutty

Thought about adding shards? You could replace early accesses with those since I assume the corp wont be icing hard knowing that you aren't going for early pressure. Lawyer Up is a weird addition if you aren't running Account Siphon, and why the Early Bird? If you do actually get AS tho, you're gonna want to knock down on Zona Sul. Tri-Maf is not a bad card, btw :P

14 Mar 2015 geekmate

Nice feedbacks ! Thks Lawyer Up is here more for the draw effect Early Bird is for the late game when i when to run a lot and yeah not Account Siphon because it was funny to make a criminal deck without it and because of Zona Sul.